Zertifikat Deutsch (ZD) and further German certificates

We thoroughly prepare you for this internationally recognized exam. You can take the administered exams in Düsseldorf at the Goethe-Institute and at the Volkshochschule (VHS).

The ZD is an internationally recognized exam that tests for a level of ability that shows that you have a sound basic knowledge of German and that you can understand and communicate in German in everyday and professional situations.

The examination consists of 5 areas: reading comprehension, language elements (grammar and vocabulary), listening comprehension, writing skills (personal and semi-formal letters), and basic speaking ability.

We use the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning and Teaching (CEF).

For the ZD you will need and we prepare you for the B1 level of the CEF standards.

We also prepare students for other CEF exams and certificates that range from A1 for beginners to C2 for advanced proficiency, including:

1. Elementary level (A1/A2)                                                                                                                     2. Independent level (B1/B2)                                                                                                                   3. German Citizenship level and Professional Proficiency level exams (C1/C2).